Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Let me give you a few words that describe my weekend and you see if any match your weekend, o.k.?  Sunshine, boat ride, coconuts fresh from the tree, palm trees, sand castles,  nap in the hammock, shell collecting, body surfing...and two birthday parties.  Nice, huh?  What a great way to spend a weekend.  There was no school on Monday and it was Cale's 8th birthday.  We decided to celebrate with a trip to Tanah Merah, one of the beaches around here.  It was just beautiful!  We came home and had chicken curry (per Cale's request) and cake and homemade ice cream.  I can't believe he is 8.  When we first got here he was 1 1/2.  Amazing!  It was so good to spend a day in the salt water.  Wyatt has had some boils and some badly infected cuts.  We have been treating them several times a day.  Now, thanks to the "magic" of the salt water, they are all looking better than they have for weeks!  Yahoo!!
I started a prayer time with just the girls.  It is a time once a week that we can see how each other is really doing and show we care for each other through prayer.  Lately I have been thinking about how wonderfully God created us.  As women we are truly unique.  I see that as a good thing.  I was reading lately in Luke 24 right at the beginning where the women go to the tomb where Jesus was buried.  When they get there they realize that the stone had been rolled away.  I am sure they were quite shocked.  Even more so when they saw "two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning."  Not sure if they have ever had something like that happen to them before, and yet it says, "In their fright, they bowed down their faces to the ground."  So, even though they were frightened they still kept the right state of mind and knew how to act.  As they were talking the angels reminded them of Jesus' words, and told them that He was risen!
Verse 9 says that "When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others."  Now, I really like this.  Look at verses 22 and 24.  The disciples said "Some of our women amazed us...then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said."  How cool is that?  In their excitement and fright the women still told the story exactly as it had happened.  They did not exaggerate the details, making the story bigger or different from what it really was.  So when the disciples went to see for themselves, they found it just as the women had said.
I have been thinking a lot about that lately.  I want my words to be that truthful all the time.  So, if what I had said had to be proven, it would come out that I was telling the truth.  No exaggerations.
Well, it is about time for the kids to come home from school.  Garth is at school today as well.  He is substituting for the PE teacher who sprained her ankle.

Here are a few pictures from Cale's party and the beach.

  I heard that you have had snow and tornado sirens.  What's up with that?

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