Thursday, November 14, 2013


This is a busy time for birthdays.  We have five birthdays in five weeks.  So far, we have celebrated 2 of them and have three more to go.  One of those is Cale. Tomorrow I am having a party with his class so there will be around 15 or 16 kids coming over after school.  His real birthday is Monday, and he is THRILLED that there is no school that day (not sure why).  I think we will go to the beach.  The trouble is that we don't have one vehicle large enough to take the whole dorm.  We have one van that fits about 11 or 12.  But there are 17 of us, so it gets a bit tricky.  We used to be able to go on dorm outings whenever we wanted and take extra kids.  But, while we were in America that big bus was sold. we have a van that doesn't fit everyone.

I can't believe Cale is going to be 8!  I have been reading back through some of the emails I wrote when we first came to Indo in 2007.  Cale was only 1 1/2.  All that beautiful curly hair that the Indonesians just loved to touch.  And those cheeks they loved to pinch.  Now, he is in 2nd grade, playing soccer on his own team Sunday nights and spiking his hair for school picture day (today).  He has such a love for God, enjoys doing his devos in the mornings, and is always looking for ways to be a gentleman.  We are so thankful for him.

Here is a synopsis of life in the dorm the last few days:  there was a big project on Hereditary traits due, a few Math tests, eye appointments, stomach flu, filling out college applications, taking SATs, a trip to Kali Biru, getting ready for the Fall concert, preparing lines for the drama production, losing water, getting water, rainstorms, soccer games, haircuts, internet, no internet, and one that I was totally not expecting, "Aunt Rachel grab a pair of scissors and come down to the playground.  Blah, blah, blah (I won't use her name to save her from embarrassment) got her hair wrapped all around the rope swing and can't get it out."  Luckily, we didn't have to cut too much to get her unstuck.
There is never a dull moment here at the dorm.  It is always a buzz of activity.
Love ya, 

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