Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Governor

What an exciting day!  It is the start of a new month-I always enjoy that.  It was a Friday. Yahoo!  It was the school Fun Fair-gotta love that!  We also had the Friday night games and the class meal...And the governor of Papua came to the Hostel!!!!  We have his son in our dorm and had never met him before.
This is a funny story.  So, the Fun Fair happened first.  One event at the Fun Fair is the Water Mafia.  You can "pay" 2 tickets and sign someone up to get a bucket of water dumped on them by the mafia.  The mafia is the 8th grade class.  We happen to have five 8th graders living with us, so Garth and I knew there was no way we would get through the event without getting drenched.  So, towards the end of the Fun Fair when Garth and I were both soaked, we decided to walk back to the Hostel to change before the soccer games started.  As we walked up we saw five or six vehicles at the Hostel, the police security, and many official looking people, along with a very important person in a very nice suit.  Garth and I, all wet, went over to meet the Governor.  Haha.  How funny!  Of all the times for him to make a chance visit.
There was such a buzz this evening with people wanting to meet him, shake his hand, take pictures.  There was a different feel to the night from every other night.  Someone important had chosen to come to us.  It was a big deal.
Compare that to some of the stories in the Bible where Jesus chose to eat with a lowly tax collector like Zaccheus.  Or pull a little child into His lap.  He made them feel so special and important because He came to them and spent time with them.  He is the Almighty Creator and yet He chose to talk to a Samaritan woman at the well.    I LOVE how much He cares about us.  Someone important did come to us.  A Savior far more important than any Governor.  The man that came here today does not knowmuch about us, he won't even remember most of our names tomorrow.  Yet, Christ not only knows us, He knows all about us and still thinks we are special.
That is totally awesome!  It rocks my day.
Here are some pictures from the Fun Fair.  I don't have any pics of the meeting with the Governor.  Seeing as I knew I would get wet, I did not have a camera on me.  He did bring along his own personal photographer that kept snapping pictures of us the whole time we were talking.  Wouldn't it be funny to see those in a local newspaper?  Haha.

Love you!

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