Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Movin' In

So, we have been here a little over a week.  Crazy!  We are having a good time getting to know our new dorm kids.  We have 6 girls and 5 boys:  Natasha and MJ, Seun and Alina, Gloria and Victoria for girls.  Then Astract, Yohan, Jacob, Josiah, and Arnold for boys. 
We have already had one great rainstorm followed by a beautiful rainbow right over the hostel, a few volleyball games, a trip to Jayapura for fingerprinting, visits from numerous parents, banyak sekali (Very many) trips to the Pasar (market) and other stores, we started our Indonesian classes, movie night (Despicable Me 2), ping-pong games, ripstick tag, and a visit to the local pool.
This dorm has a much different feel to it.  The younger kids bring a lot of energy.  They wake up early ready to go.  They have been very welcoming of us, and seem to all get along.  Some of the kids are missionary kids and some are business kids.  We have a great mission field right here in the dorm as I am not sure that all of them are Christians.
I was walking around the grounds yesterday in awe thinking, "I can't really believe that we are back here."  It hasn't truly sunk in yet.  We are still waiting for our driver's licenses, and Garth's motorcycle, and our phones-none of them are working.  I am trying to figure things out with our new pembantus (Indonesian workers).  Especially Ibu Elisabet who will help me in the kitchen.  I need to know what she can and can't make so I can plan our menus and do the shopping.  Meat is really expensive here so I need to come up with quite a few vegetarian meals.  Chicken is fairly reasonable, but not beef.  We ordered tenggiri which is a large fish sort of like a mackerel.  I will take a picture when it comes on the back of a motorcycle.  It is awesome how they fillet it right on the ground.
Well, thanks for your prayers.  We are really doing ok.  Right now we are kind of in techno-mode of getting things checked off our to-do-list.  Once all that is covered we will be able to enjoy more of what is going on around us.

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