Saturday, April 6, 2013


Tonight when I was putting Cale to bed he reached out his hand and caught me-"Don't go, Mommy.  Stay here a little longer."  I briefly thought of the laundry piled and the sink of warm water I had just filled for washing dishes...but I knew this moment was special.  So I stayed.  And it was sweet.  His little arm around me pulling me close, soft kisses on my cheek, whispers of "I love you, Mommy"...Priceless.
As a family we have been reading in the Bible about the days before Jesus died, His death and His resurrection.  I am sure that if the disciples fully understood what was coming they would have grabbed on to Him and said "Don't go!  Stay here a little longer."  Good Friday must have been devastating for them, and Saturday absolutely grueling.  Then, comes Sunday JUST BURSTING WITH PROMISE.  An empty tomb that really wasn't empty.  It was full of life, hope, freedom.  Because Christ rose from the grave, I now serve a Savior that is alive and living in me!  The King loves me.  He cares about me.  He was thinking about me when He was hanging on that cross.
Some days I run around busy and don't even think about that.  Some days I forget what He did, and how much He loves me.  I am sure He is reaching out His hand to me saying "Don't go!  Stay with me a little longer."  When I stop, and sit with Him, and take time to be close, it is beautiful, and sweet.  Time spent just with Him, my arms wrapped around His neck, sweet whispers of "I love you."  Those moments with my Jesus are what make my life priceless.
Find some priceless moments with your Jesus today.
Love you

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