Saturday, April 6, 2013

Love, Love, Love

We had a great Valentine's Day as a family.  After a scavenger hunt game with the kid's Valentines we enjoyed a nice dinner of all things red or shaped like a heart.  Around the table we took time to talk about the things we love the most. One thing that came up twice was how creative God is.  It has been thrilling to travel the world and see His hand everywhere...the banana tree, the mantaray, the Indonesian people, the sand in Bali, the birth of a baby, sirsek, rambutan, jeruk bali, a rhinoceros beetle, the waves that keep coming, a powerful rain storm, the matchless beauty of a mountain waterfall, the silent falling snow...I could go on and on.
It reminds me of a program I saw the other day on the barn swallow.  It was talking about how they migrate southwards to South America, Africa, India, and parts of Asia.  They can fly over 600 miles a day.  Part of this migration is flying over the Sahara Desert, and one of the rivers in the Desert.  They need the water in that river as nourishment so they can make the long voyage.  Problem is that the water is too full of salt and will kill the barn swallow if they try to drink it.  If you look out over the surface of the water it is covered with large flies.  The flies drink the water and their bodies filter out the salt.  God has designed these swallows to instinctively know that they can swoop down, grab a fly, snap him and drink a burst of water-enough water to allow them to continue their journey. 
I get so excited when I learn things like that!  God is so super cool.  The Bible says in Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"
  Well, in case you don't know the answer to that question, I will tell you.  The answer is a resounding YES!  Yes, we are much more valuable to Him thathe birds.  And look how He takes care of them.
Remember this, if God were to make a list of the things He most loves, we would be on the very top of His list!!! You would be on the top of His list.
I hope you feel His love today!

Love ya,

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