Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Little Comedy for You

Okay.  So sometimes my judgment is a little off.  Case in point:  We decided that today was the day we would take down our Christmas tree.  It was dropping quite a bit of its needles and wasn’t soaking up water anymore.  In our home, we need to take down the tree while the kids are gone otherwise there is much pleading to “Please leave it up a little bit longer…Like till Easter.”  Even when we lived in Indo and all we had was a small plastic tree that stunk of moth balls and had to be held together with duct tape.  Even then they were sad to see it come down. 

Well, I babysat all morning, so we started the task of the tree after lunch.  However, not even half-way through Garth was called away to help a friend.  The lights were partly on the tree, and partly all over the floor, along with piles of ornaments on the couches.  So I had two options:  wait until Garth came back home and the kids were home, or finish it myself.  I knew that I could do all of the decoration part, but I wasn’t too sure if I could pull it out of the stand and carry it outside.  To give you a visual, our tree stood about 7 or 8 feet tall.  I didn’t think it would be that hard, because I was misjudging how heavy the tree was until I was underneath of it trying to unscrew the screws that were holding it in place.  That was when I realized that this wasn’t a good idea.  I thought about calling my Mom to come over, but I couldn’t let go of the tree or it would fall over and all the sappy water would spill all over the floor. 

After much finagling, and strange body contortions, I got that tree out of the stand.  Then came the task of getting it outside.  I completely misjudged its girth, and height on my way through the living room to the outside door.  I had needles and broken branches everywhere, I knocked over a lamp and a chair, got two splinters in my fingers, had sap all over the top of my barefoot which attracted and attached needles to my foot, had a gazillion needles and sap in my hair along with a piece of bark stuck under my ring.  I thought about taking a picture to show you because the house looked like those pictures on the news after a hurricane went through a city, but then there would be evidence to use toward my insanity. 

Good news though, I got that thing out, got the house put back in order and had three minutes to spare before the kids came home!!!!  Yahoo!!

Is there a moral to this story:  Ummmmm, don’t take the T out of team…we all need each other…many hands make light the work…think before you act…any more?

And another thing I learned-shampoo doesn’t get sap out of hair the first time.  Wash and wash again.

Love you



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