Monday, July 11, 2011


Our day began very early-2:45 a.m. to be exact.  We were ready for the airport shuttle 30 minutes later, and off to the airport.  I must say that I don’t think it is fair that the Starbucks at the Milwaukee airport wasn’t open that early…I mean, Come on, people!  That time of day demands caffeine!  So because Starbucks was not open, and I really needed to wake up, Garth and I decided to play ping pong.  Did you know that there is a ping pong table set up in the airport near concourse C?  There is.  Notice the time in the first picture-3:53.  That is a.m. people.  Haha.  That was fun!

We flew to Chicago and then on to LA.  Perry and Sandy picked us up, took us to Panera, and then to Biola.  We have had a great time of meeting everyone and getting briefed on what to expect during this MK (missionary kid) re-entry program.  So strange that I haven’t ever travelled in California before and now I have been here twice in one month.

We are excited to be here and see what God might have in store for us in the future.  We are staying in the college dorms, and will eat in the cafeteria with the kids.  There will be 31 MKs coming to Biola starting tomorrow.  Barnabas has other programs being run right now in Seattle and Ohio.

If you see my kids in church tomorrow give them a hug for me and tell them I love ‘em.

See you soon-



1 comment:

Kacie said...

I did the program and then went back as a counselor in '04. It was maybe the best summer of my life. I hope you guys love it!