Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Majestic Creation

Okay.  So I am still mourning the loss of hair here.  My husband, oldest and youngest sons have shaved their heads.

This is what Cale looked like when we first came to Indonesia in 2007 when he was 1 ½.  And a picture of what he looks like now.


Wyatt when we came (he was 9).  And what he looks like now.  Garth in 2007-(I picked a crazy picture-haha)


I know they are the same people but they look soooooooo different.  When I look at them now, I am missing how they used to look.  But I need to see past that to who they are.  This reminds me of something.

The other day Garth and I were playing Pictionary with 5 year old Cale.  It was hilarious.  See if you can guess a few of his drawings.


The first three are dress, pig and bench.  Look at the last one.  What do you think that is?

It is the Planet Earth.  He was so proud of that drawing.  When he was finished drawing it, and after I had guessed it, he looked at his work and he said, “Mom, it looks exactly like the real Earth!  Wow!”

That is how it is with God.  He looks at His creation, (you and me), and sees us just like He created us-beautiful.  We see all of our flaws, and imperfections.  He sees a majestic, amazing work of His hands.  There is nothing wrong with the way we look.  If God could, He wouldn’t change one thing on you.  Next time you look at yourself in the mirror, look past all of the things you don’t like and reflect on the fact that the Creator of the universe also shaped and molded you.  And when He looks at you, He says, “Wow!”.

Pretty cool.

Love you



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