Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, our plans have been foiled! We had planned a fun family campout in our back yard tonight. We had a great spot, too. There is this piece of land that juts out. It is nice and dark, and since we are up so high it overlooks the city of Sentani. When it is clear you can see thousands upon thousands of stars. There were high hopes of seeing a shooting star. Wyatt and Garth put up the tents and made a nice campfire. The girls worked on the food. We had homemade torches and candles to light the way to the tents…sang campfire songs, and talked about what it would be like if we moved back to the States next year or if we stayed…Aside from the sweltering heat, we were having a blast! Then, we decided it was time for bed. Wyatt and the girls in one tent and Cale with us in another. After much giggling and everyone deciding they had to go to the bathroom one more time, we were all nice and quiet. Until we heard the pitter patter of drops-rain drops! We waited a few minutes to see what it would do while all four kids were earnestly praying for it to stop. However, God decided that we needed the rain more than our family needed to camp out. That brought on the fun, mad-dash of “Quick, get all the bedding that you can carry and run to the house.” Followed by, “Oops, I dropped something,” and “Mom, I can’t find my blankie. I think I left my pillow out there…” Ha ha! Now, a half hour later, I am writing to you with all kids in bed, and a furious rainstorm going on outside. Good thing we moved when we did. Quote of the night, ”Emma, do you have your underwear around your neck?” “No, it is just my blankie.” Followed by Cale-“This is going to be a LONG night!”
These are the things that memories are made of.

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