Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fire and donuts

What a long day…and it is only 2:00. Garth and Cale and I left this morning at 8:00 for Jayapura to get fingerprinted (it is just a technicality that Indonesia commands you to do), and we finally got through at around noon. It is always so much sitting and waiting in a dirty, hot room. Garth was wearing jeans and yet he kept sticking to the couch. Cale was all over the place, on the couch, on the floor, outside in the dirt…Praise the Lord for Germ-X!
Garth had to take the other kids on Thursday for fingerprinting ( Cale and I couldn’t go because Cale was sick), and they had to wait 4 hours to get seen, so I am thankful that it wasn’t any longer.
We ate lunch at the KFC there ( a nice reward for all that patient waiting- and even though we ordered three French fries with our meal but only got one, it was still good), and then we bought the hostel donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts on the way home, got a few groceries, and just arrived back to put Cale down for a late nap. Now I have an hour before the dorm kids come back from school, and Garth goes off to volleyball practice.
I guess in my last email I forgot to mention what sport the kids are playing at the Friday night games. Sorry. It is volleyball. There are 3 school team sports here-volleyball, then soccer, then basketball. Each Friday night one of the high school classes is in charge of the meal. They provide the food for people to buy and all the money goes toward their class. We play against Indonesian teams so it gives all of us a good chance to mingle.
Right now as I write, I am happy to tell you that it is raining!!!! We have been “a dry, and parched land.” Two nights ago at 11 p.m. I looked out the window and saw a fire down by the school. It was quite large and made me nervous, so Garth and I went down to make sure it was under control. We saw that there were some of our security guys already down there taking care of it. I am not sure if it started because everything was so hot and dry or what happened but I couldn’t sleep until I saw it go out.
We have been having some problems with one of our kitchen helpers. She has been borrowing money from us (culturally it is allowed, so we let her do it. She is only allowed to borrow as much as she makes in 1 month). Well, today while we were gone she went to a friend of ours asking her to ask us if she can borrow 3 juta from us! That is like $300. So this friend of ours called us while we were in Jayapura to ask us and we said no because she already owes us money and can’t borrow anymore. Well, she was very upset and walked out while our friend was talking to her and then when we returned today she was gone. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. It would be really hard if she quit, but she hasn’t been very reliable lately. She missed three days one week and three days another week.
I will talk to you later-

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