Friday, May 30, 2008


I think the first ever tornado has hit Papua. The amount of flurry and activity that has gone on here in the last 3 days and the debris left behind could easily be likened to a tornado. Imagine what it is like in your home when you are getting ready for a trip-or the craziness at graduation with parties and pictures and family flying in-now times that by 16 and you about have it. Garth has been named the official chauffer since he is one of the only people allowed to drive the big bus. So he drove the Senior class to Jayapura one day and the Junior class the next along with shuttling groups to the airport in between. But as of now, Friday night, all the kids are gone except for three. The last three kids will be on the same flight as us tomorrow, so we will all travel together to the airport.
I am thankful that God got us through our first year. We developed good friendships with some of the students here and will miss many of them. They taught us while we taught them.
Our kids are having a hard time falling asleep tonight because of their overwhelming excitement for our trip tomorrow and the thought of seeing family somewhere at the end. What a blessing to be able to come home! We are so full of joy at all that this year has held for us. Can’t wait to show you our pictures and tell you our stories. We will be doing a presentation of our time here on June 8th at 6:00 p.m. at Calvary Community Church in Williams Bay, WI. You are all welcome to come.
Next time I see you it will be live and in person!
I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight either!!!!!!!!

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