Sunday, May 22, 2016

Final Week of School

This is the week where the days seem shorter and go by more quickly than usual. SO MUCH TO DO!!!! I am sure most of you know that Wyatt is graduating from High school on Thursday May 26th. He has chosen to do his gap year year in Indonesia. We were not sure how he was going to get a visa to stay. Usually a student is no longer under their parents visa once they are not a student. But God is good and worked this out in such a creative way. When we went for fingerprinting last Monday, the power was out. We waited awhile and thought that we would just have to come back the next day. After some time, we were handed some forms to sign and told that we could leave. They would just use our fingerprints from last year and they approved a visa for all 6 of us! Yahoo! God used something that is normally such a nuisance, a power outage, to bless us and answer our prayers!! Awesome!
Sophie is graduating from Grade 8. We had a Celebration Banquet to honor all the graduates last night. Such a beautiful time with parents putting together presentations about their child and bragging on how awesome they are. I love bragging on and on about my kids, so I had a wonderful time.
Today at church was the Baccalaureate service for the High School Graduates. Each kid stood up and talked about their plans for the future. I took some pictures and will put them at the end.
The kids all have finals this week. This is not their favorite week to say the least. Can't wait till it is over.
The dorm kids all leave on Friday and we leave on Saturday. We will spend a few days in Bali and then head to Wisconsin for 9 weeks. Wyatt will be traveling back to Indonesia on his own about a month or so before us (He has never done this before...big prayer request). He will be back here July 12ish or so. He will be part of a summer soccer ministry called Kick Off Papua. This is one of those times when I have to just give it to God and trust Him completely.It is a long trip, but I have a BIG God.
Sooo, pray for all of us. There is a lot going on this week and I already feel weary. Pray that we finish strong. AND that we enjoy all of the moments God gives us.
Love you,
See you soon,

Baccalaureate Service

8th Grade Banquet

8th Grade Girls

At the immigration office to be fingerprinted

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