Saturday, May 7, 2016

Just Us

So, this past week has consisted mostly of taking care of sick kids.  The two worst were Wyatt and Arnold who were sick with Malaria. Arnold is our oldest dorm kid and he lives in Indonesia but has never had malaria before. Wyatt has, but not for quite some time. Wow. It hit them both hard. Today, finally, I am seeing some improvement.
The High Schoolers had Spirit week this week. I love to see their creativity. We are winding down the school year. Only 19 1/2 more days until Graduation. (Stop it! Don't make me cry!!) Sophie was teary last night just thinking of all of the good-byes. Saying good-bye here is such a part of life. Kids graduate and move to different countries, friends go on furlough and you don't see them for a year or a missionary family leaves Indo and you may never see them again. It is hard. And it is really hard as a Mom to see the kids hurt through this time.
Well, our family goes fingerprinting on Monday. Pray about that. Fingerprinting is the time we find out if they will renew our visa for another year. We usually have no problems but you never know. We are praying hard that Wyatt will be able to stay on our visa. 
Also, I have another prayer request. The day that school starts next year got pushed up three days. Normally that is not a problem, but we have already purchased our tickets and couldn't change them. So with the date change, we will be getting back to the dorm the day before the kids arrive. So that means that I need to be extremely organized for next school year before we leave this summer. Everything we will need to start up the dorm should be purchased and ready to go before we leave. That, along with all of the normal end of the year activities and events will make these last days full and busy. Pray for all to get done, for everyone to stay healthy, and for us to enjoy these last moments with each other.

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