Monday, March 10, 2014

The kids are back!

The kids are back safe and sound from their 2 weeks of Outdoor Education in the village of Soba!!!  Lots of answered prayers there.  It is amazing to hear the stories.  Those kids worked their buns off.  They painted buildings, built some bathrooms, hauled rock, made cement, worked on the hydro, set up kids clubs, helped with medical, worked in the kitchen, spent lots of time playing with the village kids (that was a highlight for Wyatt), and so much more.  Their time was very full but so fulfilling.  Wyatt had so much fun with the kids.  They really latched on to him.  He taught them lots of games, and even let them run around with his Go Pro camera strapped to their head.  One little boy with the camera ran down a long path to the river, found a snake and killed it by throwing rocks at it.  What a treat to hear his little giggles.  It was so hard for Wyatt to leave them. I think he would adopt them all if he could.

The last few days have been spent listening to stories, filling up hungry bellies, and cleaning out tropical ulcers, cuts and sores.  I have heard nothing but positive memories from this experience.  
They had a lot of thought provoking devo times where they pondered questions like, "Where does my joy come from?"  and "Am I promoting Unity with those around me?"  "Do I really listen to the Spirit?", and "Am I using the gifts and talents that God gave me?"  This was such a time of growth for everyone.  I am like a proud Momma watching them all, and seeing them grow up before my eyes.  I am so blessed to be here where I am doing what I am doing.  God is so good!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers.  

Love Rachel

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