Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snakes and Sin

So most of you probably read my email about the snake in our sink.  Well, it is amazing how many times I think about that stinkin' thing.  Now that I am aware of the possibility of a snake coming into our house through the sink, I find myself checking all of the sinks throughout the day.  Before the snake in the sink incident I felt no need to go around checking sinks, but now I do.  Why?  Because I am aware of it.  It has been brought to my attention.  I was thinking about how our attitude toward sin should be like that.  When someone brings a sin to our attention, it should be on our mind in a grateful way- "Wow.  I didn't know.  I wasn't aware.  Thanks for pointing that out."
Now, the analogy doesn't exactly hold true because I can't really do much to prevent another snake from sliding into our sink, but I can do something about my sin.  When Garth comes to me and tells me that I was really impatient in the way I talked to a kid, I can be grateful that he is pointing it out and do something about it.  It can be on my mind throughout the day so that I remember to pray about it, and catch myself before I do it again.  I need people to make me aware of the things I don't see so I can keep my sin in check.  And I NEED to keep the snakes OUT OF MY SINK!!!!!  Haha.
As you can tell I am feeling better.  Yahoo.  That is always good news.  It takes me a bit longer to bounce back than it does the kids, but I am getting there.
We have a few less kids here for dinner tonight.   Our Boys A team and Girls A team had an away game at King Town and won't be back until later.  That means we are down 6 kids.
We just had some great thunder roll through here.  Hope it brings with it a nice storm to cool things off.  We have had such heat.  I love looking at all of the pictures of you guys on Facebook playing in the snow, building snowmen, and making snow angels.  If we were to go outside here to make a dust angel we would melt or fry like an egg.  Haha.
Time to make dinner.  Be thankful today that the only thing you have in your sink is dirty dishes.


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