Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Senior class gets back today.  They all flew to the village of Kobakma to work for 4 days.  They had an awesome opportunity to teach the people of the village about the dangers of AIDS,  how it is spread, the importance of remaining faithful to your spouse and the consequences of sleeping around.  There were over 1,000 people at the first meeting.  During the presentation a local hut caught on fire and threatened to disrupt the whole thing.  But they were able to finish.  The second day they went to schools and talked to the kids there.  People here in Papua used to believe that HIV/AIDS was a curse from God.  Now, they are starting to understand the truths behind how it is spread.  In Papua from the year 2009 to 2010 the new cases have more than doubled to 2,499.  The problem needs to be addressed.
The kids also did some preaching and teaching of God's Word.  I love the way God keeps presenting opportunities and the kids are obedient to say "Yes."
Monday there was no school so we took the kids and went to see our friend Adalek.  Remember him?  He is the lame man that sits outside one of the shops we go to.  We like to visit him and bring him food.  He is always happy to see me, but you should have seen him light up when he saw the kids!  What a sweet, sweet moment.

Here are some pictures:


Peter elaby said...

what's a great photos, I miss my hometown a lot,...

Anonymous said...

what's a great photos,...
i miss my hometown..