Sunday, October 13, 2013


As I am writing this I noticed that I still have sand in my scalp from the beach today.  (What a problem to have, huh?)  No complaints from me.  The beach is one of my favorite ways to spend a day.  Today was great.  Overcast and not too hot or sunny.  There were fantastic waves so we did a lot of body surfing.  The beach we went to today is one of our favorites: Pantai Amay.  There is the Pacific Ocean and a fresh water river.  It is great fun to be by both.
Right now all of the high schoolers are up in the MPR for a dance party.  The Seniors are hosting it.  They asked an Indonesian DJ from a restaurant here in town to come and do the music. The kids were supposed to dress up crazy.  Sounds like fun!
That gave us some extra time tonight with our middle schoolers.  I pulled out the nail polish and we had a spa for the girls.  The boys were ripsticking and now they are all playing Sardines outside in the dark.
During our Indonesian class today we learned the word for love.  Notice I said word.  They only have one.  One word for love and it is only used towards people.  We asked Pak Yohannis, "Can we use this word to say, 'I love the beach' or 'I love hamburgers?'  And he said, "That is what is wrong with the English language. You have messed up the idea of love.  How can you love a hamburger and love your wife?"  He said that the Indonesians would say "Saya suka hamburgers."  I like hamburgers.  The only time they use the word love, kasih, is when referring to people.  I like that.  It is such a strong word that they can not use it for something as simple as hamburgers.  So when they read that "God so loved the world" they understand it in a different way than we do.
Something to think about.
Love you (I mean it)-


Josiah and Wyatt ready for the Dance Party.

Loaded for the beach!

A glimpse of the ocean as we head to the beach.

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