Saturday, June 8, 2013


We have had so much fun lately with family.  Garth's niece, Rachel, just graduated from UW Madison!!!!  Way to go, Rach!  We are so proud of you!! The family came from New York, and Virginia to stay with us so we could all celebrate together.  It was a blast!

 As far as our venture to Indo goes, let me give you an update.  During our medical checks it came up that Garth's liver enzymes were elevated.  So the doc sent him to a specialist at Lakeland that is sending him to a specialist in Milwaukee.  Some of you know that Garth has Hepatitis C.  We found out he had it in 2002.  He was going in for regular checks but all levels had stayed the same, until now.  So, the plan right now is this:  see the specialist,and schedule a biopsy. The biopsy will tell us what level of fibrosis, scar tissue, is in his liver.  If it is a level 1 or 2 we will be able to go to Indo as planned.  But if it is above 2 we will need to stay and do a year of treatment before we go.
We told God that we would follow in obedience the path that He has before us.  Whether it is to Indo, Wisconsin, or some other crazy place.  If He chooses to close the door on Indo we can trust that there is a reason.  He is in control.  This is such an exciting time for us!  We are in a place where we completely trust God for our future, and wait expectantly to see what He has planned. 
We will keep you posted.  Pray for us as you think of us.
Love you

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