Friday, August 14, 2009

Last Day

Today was the last day before school starts. I don’t know about you but that is always a busy time-making sure everything is clean, and laid out and bags are packed etc. Well, take that and magnify it a bunch of times and you will have my day today. It started at 5:50 am when Cale came into my room and asked for breakfast. I made him go back to bed. It just got crazier from then on. I will give you the Reader’s Digest version-a trip to the airport, 10 kids moving in and unpacking and new parents to meet, Forms to fill-out, a meeting, Emma’s wipe-out on her bike, making food for 15, a run to the store for things forgotten, and in the midst of the chaos, the sweet words of Cale, “Hey, Daddy. Let’s me and you marry Mommy!” How cute!
Well, now at 10:00 I am ready for bed. Tomorrow will be another day a lot like today, so I need my sleep. If you still have days of summer left, enjoy them. How funny! Summer is technically over here but it still feels exactly the same (hot, sunny, humid…).
Love you all-

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