Thursday, June 19, 2008

Teacher Sophie

It would have been so fun to have Sophie for a teacher. She and Emma were playing school in the living room while I was in the kitchen so I was able to eavesdrop. These are some of the highlights of Sophie’s day as teacher:
She told the students upfront that this would be the funniest day in their school lives. She said that they would have no homework just be able to color all day, and the ,”Kid that bes the goodest will get this” she said as she held up a picture she had colored. They were all instructed to draw a dog and when they finish throw all work on the ground. The girl that was bad she sent to sit by the boys and the boy that brought a snake to class was sent home. She passed out Bubble Gum and took everyone to Culver’s after school. Doesn’t that sound fun?
Garth and I had a great time working outside today on the yard. He cut down a bunch of dead branches and we cleared out an old wood pile and did a lot of burning. The weather was amazingly gorgeous with a brilliant blue sky with little wisps of occasional clouds drifting by. I am sure he will be sore later as he split many of the logs by hand, just like Pa Ingalls except without the brown suspenders.
Wyatt had a fun day over at our neighbors house. They have 3 boys. Cale slept in until 9:00 this morning so he was still up when we had a picnic lunch in the backyard.
My Grandpa is getting transferred over to a nursing home in a half hour so my Mom and I are going to meet him there and make sure he is settled alright. He wanted to go home but he needs 2 full time nurses there just to survive and that would have been difficult. We are hoping that his spirits are not down with the move. His room is full of pictures of the family and pages that the kids have colored for him so we will put all of that up in his new room. He is not doing well so keep praying for him.
In case you are interested, our Indonesian presentation will be at Calvary Community Church on July 6th at 6:00 p.m. You are all welcome to attend.
Love to all,

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