Sunday, March 6, 2016

Day One

Back in Sentani! WOW! What a journey. As we were traveling home I was thinking about how to tell you about all that happened and I have decided that instead of just giving you the Readers Digest version in one or two emails I would take you along and share my days with you. So my next few emails will be about my time in Danama, the people I met, and the experiences I went through. There were so many of you praying for us each day and I want you to see how your prayers were answered.
Of course it started out with a bang - our flight was delayed and several bags never made it to Wamena. We were told they would come in a few hours so we waited before continuing our journey.There was a lot of pouring rain as we drove down the muddy roads toward the village, several times having to get out and push vehicles that got stuck.
Once we got there we unloaded our barang (stuff) and hiked up to the village. It was still pouring rain but we were full of excitement and anticipation. We were greeted warmly and taught a worship song in the Walok language. The kids loved having us pick them up and we spent the rest of the day hanging out with them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

pinjaman dana
pinjaman uang
pinjaman dana jaminan bpkb mobil

"pinjaman uang jaminan bpkb mobil"
Dengan cabang Seluruh indonesia.

Mobil 1997 - sekarang


* sedan,minibus,truk,tronton,pribadi dan Perusahaan,
( plat hitam )
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"Gadai bpkb mobil"

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* Syarat mudah
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☑ fc KK
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☑ fc BPKB

Utk info lebih lanjut, hubungi :


(Contoh: Abah/08986686620/bmw 2010/Jakarta/BFI)

Kirim ke: Abah saja 08986686620

(simulasi angsuran akan terkirim dlm waktu 10-15 menit)

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Dana tunai jaminan BPKB
Gadai bpkb motor
tempat pinjam uang