Monday, April 13, 2015


Happy Spring to you!!!!  I have seen pictures of flowers coming up by you, green grass and piers going in the water. That means that you made it through another winter!!  Way to go!  It makes me cold just thinking about what you went through. Yikes!
We have greens growing all around us. I LOVE that in every direction I look I see signs of life. The Earth is so beautiful.  God is so very creative.  Physically I see such growth in my kids as well. I am officially the second shortest in my family; the shortest, Cale, only being 9 yrs. old!  Wyatt and Emma have been taller than me, and now Sophie has joined them.
We have been challenged a lot lately about our spiritual growth.  As much as I hate how fast Cale is growing, I am glad that he hasn’t been a baby for the last 9 years.  I love to see him change and watch his personality develop. As a Christian, we do not want to remain “babies”.  We need to grow in our relationship with God, we need to be stretched, our faith needs to be stronger. Think about where you were last spring. How much has your faith grown since then? If you can’t honestly see growth than something is very wrong.  Start pouring over the Scriptures. Take time every day to really talk to God. Listen to people when they point out areas to work on. Don’t let bitterness take root. Be joyful. Serve. Forgive and let go. Laugh. Treasure these moments. Life is SO much better when you are moving.  Put your hope in the SON, drink of His living water, and grow, grow, grow.
Love ya,

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