Monday, February 9, 2015

Get Away Day!

Aaaaand...they're off!
The first group to take off this morning for the village of Kosarek left the dorm at 5:15am.  Wyatt was one of those early birds.  He asked me last night to make sure he was awake no later than 4:30am.  Whew!  That's an early call.  At 4:10am it didn't sound too promising outside as a tropical downpour pounded our tin roof.  Usually, I love to hear the rain on the roof, but this morning I was praying for some clear skies to get our kids into the village.

It is now 9:00am and all but one group have left without any weather glitches.  Praise the Lord!  Rachel's plane was scheduled to leave at 8:00am.  She wanted me to share some of these pictures with you.  Please be praying.  I know that she has already filled you in on the measles outbreak and some of the other concerns.  We covet the prayers of our friends all over the world.  Thanks.


Rachel and I volunteered to make a run to the market for
food supplies.  Here's our haul.

Arnold and Yohan helped Mr. Berg take luggage down 
to the airport early.

Cale saying good-bye to Mom as she checks in at MAF.

Emma's first O.E.  She's gonna do great!

Rachel with her group.  Their name: Illumin8.
L to R: Caleb, Ransom, Caleb, Faith, Rachel, Grace, Jaalah, Evan.

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