Sunday, November 2, 2014


Ok. I don't usually write to you when I am frustrated. I wait until it passes and then write, but I have a few minutes now, and I know that I will feel better if I tell you all about our day.  I know that you will pray for us.
Today we decided to do something we have never done-skip church and take the dorms to the beach, AMAY.  The kids have had such crazy, busy weekends  that we haven't gone for months, since summer, I think.  Anyways, both dorms were going and it should have been great.  We woke up to an overcast, drizzly, dreary day.  We need the rain, but today I wasn't excited to see it.  We got to AMAY and at first were the only ones there.  30 minutes later, there must have been about 1000 Indonesians that showed up.  They brought a speaker system and microphones... It was crazy!
We had brought guitars and wanted to sing and have a little service on the beach, but it was so loud and busy.
Wyatt started feeling bad last night, dizzy. Well, today at the beach it got worse, a lot worse.  He couldn't even walk. So he laid down the whole time we were there.  I didn't have any cell phone reception so I couldn't talk to any of the nurses about what was going on with him. Then we lost Cale....couldn't find him, in the crowds.  Turns out he went way down the beach where there was a little bit of quiet. That got my heart rate going.
We finally just left, way earlier than planned.  It was quite a stressful day. Now Wyatt is sleeping.  There is a nurse that will check his vitals at 5 and see if we can figure out what is going on.  Please pray.  There is not a lot of medical options here and I would like to know why my giant, strong, strapping young man of a son can't even walk without help.

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