Friday, November 14, 2014


Hello to you from the land of the CRAZIES!  We have been having these crazy rainstorms, deafening thunders, and lightening that shorts out circuits, send sparks through our outlets, and messes up our already touchy internet.  We have had crazy days where the power goes out, days with the internet out, extreme heat, and two earthquakes yesterday.  Along with crazy days of waiting to hear the blood test results on Wyatt...still waiting.  All I have heard is that one of the three vials of blood that we had sent to Jakarta clotted and they were not able to use it.  Bummer.  I am told that I will get the results by email so I am PRAYING that the internet and power stays on today and tomorrow.  If I am able, I will email you when I hear.
There is a sweep of Hand/Foot and Mouth disease going through the school.  It is very contagious so please pray for that to quickly move out.  We have our big, Fall concert on Saturday.  There are about 50 people performing in two performances so they all need to stay healthy.  Garth and I have a small part in the first song.
I read some really cool verses in Hebrews the other day-Chapter 9:11-15.  It is talking about how in the OT people gave sacrifices for their sins and that would make them outwardly clean.  But the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross for our sins can clean us on the inside..."Cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the Living God!"  I am not effectively serving if I am living in sin, and in the same way I am not effectively serving if I am carrying around guilt, unable to forgive myself or others, and kicking myself for messing up again.  He promises to forgive and give me a fresh start so I can serve Him the way I was designed to serve Him.  That is AWESOME!

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