Sunday, August 17, 2014

Getting Ready

Hi. I am supposed to be down in the gym watching my kids play soccer, but I wanted to talk to you real quick before I go.  The school year is about to begin-Tuesday.  The dorm kids are about to arrive-tomorrow.  So many thoughts have been running through my head today.  I was especially thinking about where we were last year at this time.  We were stuck in America waiting for our visas with no definite plan of when they would come, we were unsure if we should put our kids in school in Williams Bay, we were so disappointed that our kids were going to be late starting school here in Indo, and that the dorm couldn't open on time...thanks to many generous people we did have a place to stay (Hallelujah! )-THANK YOU COUSEN'S and DIETZ'S!!!!!!  Such craziness!  Yet God provided for us in every way.
Now, here we are about to start another school year, and thankfully I feel more prepared.  I am NOT ready for the summer to be over, but I am looking forward to another year and excited to see what God has planned!There are some things we need prayer for:*We have been short 2 pembantus for the last few days, and I am not sure when they are coming back...hopefully tomorrow because I need all the help I can get.*Garth has a bit of a stomach bug and I have a chest cold.*We are still short teachers for this school year, so some people are pulling double and triple duty to make things work.  I get to help out teaching art!!!  I love that!*Smooth transitions and unity in the dorm.  It is a transition for us to go from a family of 6 to a family of 15.  Our kids have to start sharing us again.  They are excited about the kids coming back but we always want you to pray that we find a good balance of how we spend our time.The dorm kids start arriving tomorrow, some with parents and some without.  We are having all the family over for dinner at night and having a parents meeting and a dorm meeting.  There is such a variety of ages and maturity, missionary kids and business kids...I will take pictures of them tomorrow and introduce you to them. Anyways, I need to go.  Keep us in your prayers.  Thanks.Rachel

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