Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Duet

So, we have this bird here that is super cool.  I listen to it almost every evening.  The other night I was paying special attention to its song.  From what I've learned the male bird starts off the night by singing a short little song.  He repeats it over and over again waiting for a female to join in.  He sings by himself at first, and then eventually the female echoes his song.  It goes like this-Male sings, 5 seconds later the female repeats it exactly.  Sometimes he changes the tune a bit, and she always copies it. After awhile the female echoes get closer, 3 seconds, 2 seconds...until they are singing the same song together.  It sounds so beautiful.
That is exactly how we should be with Christ.  He is there all the time, waiting for us, singing-hoping we will join in.  Sometimes we notice, sometimes we don't.  Our lives are to be a reflection of Him-our song should match His.  As we get to know Him, and as we fall in love with Him, we begin to sing together.  That is when our songs are spectacular-when we are truly living for Him and not our own selfish means.  We are reflecting His glory.
Last night when I was listening for this bird, I noticed that it was singing all alone. The female never came.  I missed her voice.  The song didn't sound as pretty.  Now that I have heard what it sounds like as a duet, I don't want to hear just the solo. We should be like that with Christ.  Once we experience what it is like to be hand in hand, voice to voice, completely in love with the one who created us, why would we go back to anything else?  Why would we want to go back to trying to do things on our own?
I want my life to be a lasting duet sung with my Precious Heavenly Father.


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