Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have been quiet lately because I haven’t felt like writing.  With Garth’s Mom dying, and all the other stuff we have going on, I have been feeling a bit melancholy.  Yet, I feel like I should be sharing with you the things that God is teaching me.

The other day, I really wanted a snuggle from Cale.  Cale however, was full of energy and wouldn’t sit still on my lap.  He kept squirming around.  I was trying to talk to him softly about something, but he was moving around so much, he wasn’t listening. 

Now, I know I have talked about this verse before, but God showed it to me in a brand new way.  “Be still, and know that I am God.” 

“Be still.  Please be still.”  That is what I kept saying to Cale and what I know God is often trying to say to me.  I am so out of focus, and I can’t hear what He is saying because I just will not be still.  The desire of my  heart at that moment was to connect in a special way with Cale.  But it ended in frustration as he ran off to “conquer the world.”  I believe there are moments like that with God and me.  My busyness and unwillingness to stop keeps me from that special connection that God longs for-and my heart needs.  I am sure that if I stopped I would hear Him saying to me, “Be still.  Please be still.”

Love you



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