Monday, August 22, 2011

What We Have Been Doing

I have been trying to figure out exactly what to write to you.  I knew that I could tell you all about our fun tour of the Jelly Belly factory, complete with the official hats and a sample of some of their horrendous jelly beans:  Barf, skunk spray, toothpaste and soap.  What made that day extra fun is that Mom and Dad and Annie came with us.


I could tell you about a beautiful day we had at the park complete with turns in the hammock, dips in the lake, a yummy picnic and two rounds of frisbaseball.


And I could tell you about the incredible night we had celebrating two people being joined as one!!  It was such a beautiful expression of their lives, their faith, and their love of family!


Or I could tell you about the culture shock we are still going through, the nights the kids are missing Indo, the intense overwhelming feeling I have about all that needs to be done and how behind I feel.  Dental appts., Cale still needs a shot, school supplies, shoes!!!! (That is a big one cuz the kids are so used to being barefoot), paperwork that needs to be filled out for soccer, and transferring medical records and school records, and life…ugh!  I am usually the type of person that charges into all situations with my battery at full power, but this adjustment back into American culture makes me feel like my battery is always low.  I know it takes time.  I am well aware.  I read the books.  I can’t imagine how people do this without a huge support system like we have, and all this loving family around.  That makes it all so much easier. 

I know the best advice right now is to take one day at time. I am trying. 

I really am happy to be here, so happy to be around all those I love.  To be back in my house, my church, my town.  I love it.  Even with (as my kids would say) this “cold weather” we are all enjoying it.  It just takes awhile to get our head, and heart in sync with our new world.

Love you all


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