Friday, July 24, 2009

Done packing

I just want you to know that I am done-really, I am. Finally! We leave early tomorrow morning for the annual MAF conference in a place called Pyramid. Normally, I love to pack, just like Sophie. She always says, “Mom, one of the best parts of a trip is the packing.” But for some reason, I have been stressing out about this. For one thing, I have never been to this place. It is in the highlands which means cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon and pretty cold at night. There are times that it rains all week and then it is called Pyramud. We have a real restricted weight limit, and need to bring all of our own bedding and towels and clothes for a week for everyone without the opportunity to do any laundry. UGH! Do you know how many times I have packed and then repacked, weigh it again and repack?…The way that they do things here is to weigh you and then weigh the luggage and add it all up. I had one piece of apple pie left tonight and I told Garth it was for him. But once I heard that our body weight counts, I told him not to eat it. If Emma weighed 2 more pounds we would get 10 extra kilos. Garth said we should have stuffed her this week. Ha ha. Just kidding.
Well, you will not hear from me until July 20th-that is my Dad’s birthday! Yahoo!! Great day. While we are gone we have another of our cats that will be having kittens, and hopefully none of them will get hit by a car this time.
Please pray for us that this will be a time of refreshment and refueling. I am helping out with the Kids club and Garth is doing the sound, so pray for no glitches there. Also, an exciting opportunity has come my way. A writer from the Jakarta Newspaper has contacted me about doing an article on me. She has seen my blog and is interested. So I wrote her the article adding that God is the reason we are here doing what we are doing. Pray that something good will come of this.
Love you all-

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