Friday, January 2, 2009

A few mishaps

The girls and I had a date today. I took them to a restaurant that serves chocolate “milkshakes”. Not like you are picturing in your head, but they were yummy just the same. It was nice to spend time with just the girls. I asked them a lot of questions. Here is a little taste of how the conversation went: Mom-“How old do you think you should be before you date a boy?” Emma-“16” Sophie-“13 or somewhere in my teens.” Mom-“How old do you think you should be before you kiss a girl?” Emma-“I don’t want to kiss a boy until my wedding or until I know I am going to marry him.” Sophie-“What????? Are you kidding me?” Mom-“Are you glad that you are a girl and not a boy?” Sophie- “Yeah, totally. I would HATE to be a boy. YUCK!” Emma-“Know why I like to be a girl? Cuz of the shoes!!!!!!” Mom-“Do you think you will want to have babies when you get married?” Emma-“Yes, and I want to name them MacKenzie and Marathin.” Sophie-“Yes, and I will name mine Tiku, or Castine, Bahannah, McCanna, Caffeine, Gabi or Hannah.”
The other day I was reading a picture book to Cale about Noah and the Ark. We were looking at the rainbow in the book when Wyatt said that there was a rainbow outside. So Cale and I went out to look at it. It was a really pretty half-rainbow. I said, “Cale, where is the other side of the rainbow?” He stood there thinking and then replied, “God is still working on it.”
How is the New Year going for you? Hopefully those stories put a little smile on your face. We had a really nice New Years Day. Some friends of ours took us out to a restaurant called Papa Ron’s or as Cale calls it Papa Don’s. (That is what the kids call Garth’s Dad). We all ordered pizza and it was REALLY good. We even tried an Indonesian pizza that was Java Chicken Satay. It was yummy! Then we all went over to Jason and Jodi’s house to shoot off some fireworks. It was a great time of laughing at the boys trying to set them off and watching the kids run around with each other playing tag and doing sparklers etc. It was a very fulfilling day.
We have started the new year with a few mishaps. I was filling up the washing machine with the hose (that is the only way it works) and forgot about it and started flooding the kittens in the gudang (outside laundry area), and Cale knocked over his whole cup of a special smoothie I had just made for him, (ooooooouw, all over the floor), at 5 am this morning Cale got up to let me know that he had peed in his bed, (Something he hasn’t done in ages), thankfully he went back to sleep until 8, Garth hit himself with his racquet while we were playing racquetball…welt on the calf, I started a potholder on fire, and Cale pooped in a neighbor’s yard. Yeah, that was really embarrassing. He has never done that before, but of course, we finally got invited over to someone’s house and five minutes into our visit he decides to “freshen up” the yard. What was he? Born in a barn?
Anyways-I have to stay on my toes, right?
Hey, now you have something to chuckle about all day long. And when your kids do something that is not-so-smart, just think-“Well, at least they aren’t pooping in our neighbor’s yard!!!”
Love you-

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