Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 29 2007 - Beach Trip!

Excitement is in the air here. The high school kids are getting ready to go on a weekend trip to the beach. (Pacific Ocean) .They pack everything they will need and sleep right on the beach in sleeping bags under mosquito nets or in tents. Wyatt and I helped with some of the snacks making over 80 choc chip cookies. All together there are over 70 people going . This weekend we will only have one girl here, Kelsea, until Sat. night when they all come back. Kelsea is in 8th grade and will not go with.
Cale's foot is so much better. I only have to change the bandage once a day and I can cover it now with only one bandaid. Thanks for praying!
Oh, before I forget, the name of the bacterial infection that Ang had was campylobacter.
Also, some of you have been asking about our blog address. Yes, anyone can go to the site and the address is: .
The dorm kids are on a rotating dish crew schedule. Our kids are on there too. This week Sophie is on and yesterday she was washing. I could hear her singing Jesus songs-then she comes running in by me and says" Mom, quick I am out of songs and a boy is waiting." So I gave her some new ideas. Later I was talking to them about that experience and they said she was telling them all about her boyfriends. I guess at this time she has 4! She is quite the character.
Emma has made a great friendship with Lexie. Emma has such a sweet heart and so does Lexie so they mesh together real well. Wyatt is enjoying the friendships he has with the kids in his class-he found some boys that are very similar to him in interests. I have to search for them at dinner time. There are so many fun things to do and they have such freedom to run and play. What a great experience.
Many have been asking us about typical day-I put breakfast foods out on the table at night so the kids can get up and eat whenever they want. We are up with our kids at around 7,eat (there are usually dorm kids out there then), pack everything up for school, and walk the kids over by 7:45. Then we come back, check in with the pembantus, go over the menu, help clean up breakfast, make sure all the laundry is out, check e-mails, have people over, or an occasional meeting, and our language class, Sometimes Garth plays racquetball, or we take a walk with Cale, or just play with him. The Elementary kids have a big recess at 10. The playground is in our backyard so we can check on them and see how their day is going.( I have recess duty on Wed.)-then the kids all come home for lunch at 11:45, so we all eat together. They are off until 12:30, then go back to school until 3. Sophie and I usually bake an afternoon snack for everyone, and go to the library. We try to be here when they come home to see how their day went, and to see if they need to go to the store or need help with anything. Then Garth coaches boys volleyball, and I go walking with Jodi. We eat dinner at 6, then have group time (devotions), Our kids get ready for bed, showers, bedtime story, etc. Then we go out by the dorm kids to hang out, help with homework, talk, play ping pong, or foosball etc. Garth locks the door at 9 and lights out at 10ish. That gives you a bit of an idea. This hostel is the place to be. There are always people and kids dropping by, so that keeps the day interesting.
Thanks for the great e-mail, Harry... Can't wait to read more.
As a family we walked down to Multi-Jaya. It was the first time we went without an interpreter. It was so much fun. I kept using the phrase "Saya masi belagar Bahasa Indonesia." I am still learning the Indonesian language. If you haven't checked out our blog lately we put pictures of it on there. Emma and Sophie were having so much fun trying on shoes. I told them that today we were just looking and that next time they could get something. The shoes were around 45,000 rupiahs which sounds like a lot but is only $4.50.
Garth is looking at the possibility of buying a motorcycle. It is difficult to get around here without one. It seems like everyone has one. There are days that they only let you go one way on the bridge if you are in a car but you can go both ways on a motorcycle. Otherwise you have to go up and around the mountain and that takes a long time. Motorcylces here are not that expensive and used bikes go for almost as much as new ones so we can easily sell it when we leave. Don't worry I will make sure he gets helmets!
I have my Indonesian class in 15 minutes and I need to go over my homework.
Please pray for Garth's Mom Dottie. She is in the hospital. Please pray that God encourages her heart.
Until later,

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