Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28, 2007 - Cale's dunking lesson

I think Cale is getting all of his accidents out of the way now so he won't have any later. Today when we were walking home from picking up Sophie from school, we walked right by one of our packing containers that I set out to catch rain water. Well, it was completely full and I think Cale misjudged the depth. He went to put his hands in and lost his balance and was submerged head first in the container with his feet up in the air. Luckily I was right there and so were the pembantu's. I grabbed him out and they quickly dumped the water. They are very protective of him. He came out sputtering, and was scared but ok. The other day when the cat went to bite at Cale cuz he was being too rough the pembantu's took turns spanking the cat and telling her "Tidak!" "No". We had a language class today. We have the same teacher that Wyatt has, Pak Johannis. Pak said that Wyatt is doing very well, and learning quickly. He gave us homework tonight-we have to make sentences out of our Indonesian vocabulary words and quiz each other.
Wyatt and Emma are loving all the space and freedom they have here. I have to search for them at dinner time. They love the playground and the gyms and having friends right here. There is always so much to do-and no TV is something that makes me happy! They haven't even asked about that and they don't miss it.
I want to explain the building picture that Garth put on the blog. This is a building that is going up at the bottom of our hill. It is amazing how they build. It honestly looks like they collected fallen sticks after a storm and then used them to build. But it works.
The water situation is a bit better today. We had water all day-YEAH! and the power came on so we were not on the generator. Things are looking up. We were supposed to have a lunear eclipse tonight that would have been great to see since it gets so dark up here. But we had a storm so it was too cloudy. Did anyone else see it?I got to talk to my Mom and Dad today using Instant messenger. It was awesome to hear their voices. If you have a similar version of windows live messenger, a microphone and speakers we should be able to talk to you. Let me know and I will try to set it up.
Selamat tingal-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have messenger and a mic I just found we could talk.