If yesterday was an ooofta sort of day then today was more of OOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA(x2). We got up and went to church at 9:30 and then ordered food for everyone for lunc
h from a great Indonesian restaurant here. It was delicious. But from then on we were on a roller coaster of trying to get things ready and figured out, etc. I was in the kitchen most of the day making 4 batches of dough for homemade pizzas, a double batch of muffins for breakfast, and a large pan of cookie bars for snacking. Making stuff here takes at least twice as long. Wyatt was a huge help. He grated all of the mozarella cheese for me which was a huge job. We had people coming in and out all day long, meeting parents and staff and new kids and dorm kids etc., plus trying to take care our kids. Jason and Jodi, bless their hearts, took Wyatt and Emma and Sophie to the pool for awhile. That was great!!! Cale is out of his schedule and we are trying to get it all figured out. Right now that is causing an unnecessary stress.
Speaking of stress, in church this morning they announced that there was not one drop of water up here on the hill. I guess a guy was working on the problem last night and the towers started filling up with water at 11:00 p.m. but then this morning they were empty. So we are supposed to try to use the barrels of rain water for washing, and conserve as much water as we can. We do have some drinking water, and there will be people working on the problem this week, so hopefully this won't last long.
We are still missing one of our dorm kids. They were all supposed to be here by today at the latest, but he is missing. I am not sure what that is about. No one seems concerned so I don't think that something happened to him, I think he just hasn't showed up yet.
Garth and I just spent some time praying about this adventure because it has been a stressful day and we already saw how we were letting the stress come between us and making us testy with each other. We don't want that to happen. We want to work together as a team. Tonight we are going to sit down as a dorm and talk about the rules of the house. That will help. They need to know what we expect and we need to see where they are coming from. We have 4 sets of siblings here in the dorm from all over the world. Hopefully they are siblings that love each other to pieces, and not ones that can't stand each other. I will get their names and where they are all from so you know. I don't even know all of their names yet.
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Emma just found out that her teacher is pregnant and due in Feb. so they will need to find a new teacher by then. The kids are excited about school, so that helps me. I don't have to talk them into it.
The day is coming to a close so I must go. Talk to you tomorrow.

Speaking of stress, in church this morning they announced that there was not one drop of water up here on the hill. I guess a guy was working on the problem last night and the towers started filling up with water at 11:00 p.m. but then this morning they were empty. So we are supposed to try to use the barrels of rain water for washing, and conserve as much water as we can. We do have some drinking water, and there will be people working on the problem this week, so hopefully this won't last long.
We are still missing one of our dorm kids. They were all supposed to be here by today at the latest, but he is missing. I am not sure what that is about. No one seems concerned so I don't think that something happened to him, I think he just hasn't showed up yet.
Garth and I just spent some time praying about this adventure because it has been a stressful day and we already saw how we were letting the stress come between us and making us testy with each other. We don't want that to happen. We want to work together as a team. Tonight we are going to sit down as a dorm and talk about the rules of the house. That will help. They need to know what we expect and we need to see where they are coming from. We have 4 sets of siblings here in the dorm from all over the world. Hopefully they are siblings that love each other to pieces, and not ones that can't stand each other. I will get their names and where they are all from so you know. I don't even know all of their names yet.
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Emma just found out that her teacher is pregnant and due in Feb. so they will need to find a new teacher by then. The kids are excited about school, so that helps me. I don't have to talk them into it.
The day is coming to a close so I must go. Talk to you tomorrow.
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