Monday, August 27, 2007

August 26, 2007 - Staff Infections Stink!

Thank you to whoever invented generators. The power has been out for 4 days and we have still had electricity and computers thanks to the generator. However, Pak Pete went into town today to buy more gas for the generator and found out that they are out of gas. So if you don't hear from me for awhile, you will know why. Today was full of anxiety and prayer. When Cale got up this morning I noticed that there was something wrong with his big toe on his left foot and his ring toe. I had a sinking feeling that it was staff infection. It looked terrible. Garth will put some pictures of it on the blog site. I stayed home from church and soaked it in some epsom salts and warm water. Then when church was over, Doctor Di said she would see him in the clinic. She confirmed that it was staff and that she had to open it up and get the infection out. Cale was amazing. He did not shed a tear. He didn't even try to pull his foot away. She did a number on the infection and thinks that she got it all. The Doctor couldn't believe he was so good, and that he had still been able to walk on it. She said that he must have been in a lot of pain (no wonder he hasn't been himself lately). So he is on antibiotics for 10 days and we are praying that it doesn't spread. I can't write more tonight. The power is out, and there is not much battery on this comp. Pray for Cale.
Love you,

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