Thursday, March 8, 2018

OE Update 2

From Pogapa:

Wednesday evening the HIV/AIDS video that had been translated into Moni by some of the SPH* kids was shown to a crowd of 700 people in the church.  The crowd was engaged and identified with the characters and that was a big encouragement to see.

Today groups 1 – 6 (Rachel is in group 2) hiked out to their villages.  They were all on the trail by 7 AM!
Please pray for safety and that their lives would be touched by those around them and that they would show love to those people they encounter.

Groups 7 – 10 (Sophie is in group 7, Emma is in group 10) have stayed in Pogapa and they have been involved in teaching English and music to the TK, SD and SMP** classes.  They have also been planting seeds, working on the airstrip and helping with a water project.

All the kids are doing well and working hard.
The sick bay is empty!!!

Thanks for your continued prayers.

*If you don't know about SPH yet, please go to their website and check it out.  It's a vibrant ministry that is making a difference here in Papua.  There are 10 students from SPH joining our kids on OE this year.  This is a first.

**TK = Kindergarten, SD = Elementary, SMP = Middle School

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