Monday, April 4, 2016


Today was the day our group was able to hike into Yagendaimo. It was a gorgeous day and the hike wasn't too difficult. It only took around 2 hours. We stopped half-way and had our lunch outside of the village Emma's group went to, Kalarin.
In this culture it is very important to enter a village together. So we waited until everyone caught up and went into Yagendaimo together. They were waiting for us and held a special ceremonial dance to welcome us. It was very moving.
The people were thrilled that we were there. They showed us the customary handshake and the greetings we should use. We dropped off our stuff and then hung out and played with the kids, and chatted with the villagers until it was time for dinner.

My group - The M&M Mighty Messengers

Just look at that blue sky! Fabulous!!

You can tell how tender the hearts of the kids were. They shaded the dog from the sun while it napped.

Eating lunch outside of Kalarin

Coming in to the village. We had to enter oldest to youngest

Two honais (huts) Notice the solar panels coming off the roof 

This little boy was named Matison. He was adorable.

This was the cleanest our shoes looked the whole time

Playing games with the kids. The little roofed building on the far left corner is our bathroom. The next roofed thing is a grave of the first evangelist that brought the Gospel in the 1960s. The blue roofed building on the right is where the girls slept

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