Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's a Happy Easter!

Happy, Happy Easter!!!!!  I love what we are celebrating at Easter time!  I have hope for my future because my Savior LIVES!  Hallelujah!  We had a great weekend. How about you?
The dorm kids all went to see family or their guardians for the Easter break, so we had the dorm all to ourselves.  On Friday there was no school so we drove the hour or so into Jayapura to a mall there that has a movie theater.  Now, this is a big deal here, because it is the only one anywhere.  Guess what?  It just happened to be showing Rio 2 in English in 3D!    If you  knew what a remote area we live in, you would understand my surprise.  That was so much fun!

Saturday was Emma's 14th birthday.  She wanted to celebrate by taking her class to Kali Biru.  Remember that place?  Blue River.  We used to go quite a bit but haven't all been as a whole family since we came back.  It is so pretty.  There is a waterfall, a high log bridge for the kids to jump off of, (lots of things for the kids to jump off of), and it has its own lazy river.  You can walk upstream and the current helps you float down.  You just have to remember to get over to the side BEFORE you go over the waterfall.  Haha.

We had a wonderful time celebrating Emma.  My family sent a package that got here in time (WOW).  Garth and I planned a scavenger hunt for the kids.  Some friends brought us strawberries from their village (One of Emma's favorite treats).  And I made her an angel food cake.  Actually I had to make two because the first one got being eaten by ants while we were at the movie.
Easter Sunday, we got up early and went to the sunrise service.  It was wonderful to celebrate with people from all over the world.  We all love and serve the same Risen King!  Later for lunch we had a houseful.  Anyone that didn't have a place to go was welcome to come here.  It was so much fun.  I love hosting large parties like that. ( Thanks Mom for all you taught me.  I take after you.)
So, I started thinking about the two big events of Easter.  Jesus died.  Jesus rose.  The ideas of something put to death and something brought to life kept rolling around in my head.  During devotion time with the kids I brought this up.  I said think about something in your life that needs to be put to death.  A sin, negative thoughts, a bitter heart, bad habits…etc.  Then think about something that God might want to bring back to life.  Your love for Him, servants' spirit, patience, your generosity… Keep those two things in your prayers the next few days, weeks, months and watch God do an amazing resurrection of His love in your life.
This holiday weekend I hope that you were able to stop and reflect on all that Christ did for us.  Our lives would be RADICALLY different if He was still buried in that tomb.  
"I serve a Living Savior, He's in the world today.
I know that HE is living, whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer.
And just the time I need Him, He's always near.
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today.
He walks with me, and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart."
It truly is a Happy Easter!
Love you

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