Friday, August 23, 2013


So, someone asked me yesterday, "What have you been up to lately?" Haha.  That makes me chuckle.  My answer could be summed up in about three words:  packing, organizing and cleaning.  Funny how something that sounds simple can be so time-consuming.  Each of our suitcases or containers must be no more than 50 pounds.  So I pack and weigh and repack and reweigh.  And each container needs a written list of exactly what is inside.
I am nearing the end.  I am only allowed 5 more suitcases.  Hopefully, I will be able to fit everything that we want to take. 
We went to the Elem./Middle school today and registered Cale and Sophie for school. (It looks like we may still be here, so...)  As of now, I will home school Wyatt and Emma according to what is taught at the school in Indo.  On the way home from school we realized there was a large bolt stuck in the front tire and air was leaking out.  That was lovely.  No new news on the visas.  Garth has decided that he will not cut his hair until the visas come.  That way you will be able to tell just by looking at him.
We have gone through situations before similar to this where we needed to fully rely on what God was going to do, what He had planned, even though we couldn't see it.  There are days that we let all this really ruffle our feathers.  Thankfully, there are 6 of us here in the house and we help each other "defluff".  We keep saying, "God has a plan.  He is in control..."  But this needs to be much more than head knowledge.  We have faith in God because we are certain He can be trusted.  If any part of me had doubt, my faith would be worthless.
Luke 8 has a story of a guy that Jesus heals. The guy begs Jesus to let him go with him.   But Jesus said, "No, return home and tell how much God has done for you."  For some reason, we are still home.  We want to use this kink in our plans to tell all we can what God has done for us.  Our glass is half full.  Actually it is overflowing with blessings.  We are incredibly thankful for what He is about to do with this family.
Keep praying!

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