Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Graduates of 2020

Sophie's class wanted to get a class picture before everyone starts leaving to go back to their home country. They needed to maintain their social distance which made it a bit more tricky. These kids are close, really close. The friendships are so tight. In the last week they have had so many ups and downs. No class trip. Possibly no Junior/Senior banquet, among so many other things they had planned. School is canceled. Kids are being evacuated. Fast goodbyes are awful. Please pray for them as they transition.
 Sophie and all the wonderful Seniors out there- my heart is so sad for you and all you are missing but I know with confidence that you are part of God’s story that He is still writing. Your lives are making a difference. You are destined for great things and I am so thankful you are in this world!!!

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