Saturday, June 13, 2020

Last days in Kosarek

Days 11, 12 and 13 These are our last few days to hang out with the kids. That is always a highlight. The kids are so fantastic! Today we had an oral history class with one of the elders of the village talking to us about customs/cultures of the village, how the village got started, where he was born etc. It is amazing to hear the stories of the people. They are so strong and inspiring. The people of the village had a bakar batu for us to show their thankfulness. That is a celebration feast where meat and vegetables are cooked on hot rocks in a dug out pit. It was a celebration for us to let us know that they appreciate all that we did. We felt very honored.
It is always so very hard to leave and say goodbye. When you live with people, even for just two weeks, you really develop a bond, and it is sad to leave. But what an amazing time. I feel like they impacted me in such a mighty way. I love their joy. I admire their simplicity. I am challenged by their heart for each other, and for God. I am so very thankful for this opportunity.

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