Friday, January 24, 2020

The Wedding and Graduation Update #2

You guys, the wedding was beautiful! I know a lot of you prayed and gave so we could be back in time for this and I am so grateful we were. Emma was the maid of honor in a wedding of two of our former dorm kids. The wedding was outdoors and even the rain couldn't spoil it.

We have jumped right back into our life here, trying to help out and be a part of as much as we can before all the students leave for the summer. The community is such a blessing and we have missed it dearly.
May 21st we moved back in to the Hostel and were able to get our dog back- Chester!! He is a big part of our family and we missed him. This was our first meal back in the Hostel.  

Years ago we adopted an Indonesian family that we have just fallen in love with.  They bring us such joy. It was a sweet reunion seeing them again.

 Time has been tick- tocking by and last night we had graduation. It was an evening of great celebration as two of the dorm kids that we have had since their 7th grade year graduated. Wow. How is that even possible?

 It has been so wonderful having Emma here, and I cried a bunch of tears this morning when we took her to the airport to say good-bye. PLEASE pray for her. This is the first time she will be flying all the way back to America on her own. I know God's got this. I keep reminding myself of that. She is so very special to us, and we will miss her greatly. 


Well, here is an update of our life so far. Thanks for praying for us and for caring. You are an important part of our ministry.
Love you,


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