Friday, January 24, 2020

Island Medical Update #4

Hey guys. We had the privilege of going with a doctor friend out to a local village to set up a clinic and help pull rotten teeth and remove a few tumors, one from a little girl's head and another from a man's cheek. That was such an amazing experience. I truly love that kind of stuff and don't get grossed out like some do (not mentioning any names...Garth.) Sophie and Cale brought a soccer ball and crayons and paper and played with the children. We were able to pray with all of them, regardless of their religion. There are so many there with tumors. I am not sure of the reason, but I am thankful we were able to help. We met one Muslim lady who previously had had a large tumor in her neck removed and now has a trachea tube. We met another man who used to have a tumor so large he couldn't see out of one eye. The doctor helped him a few years ago and now he can see fine. There was a little boy born with a cleft palette so bad he couldn't nurse. The doctor helped him and now he is full of life and energy. He is the boy that Cale is holding in the last picture of this email. We met so many people that now have a better life because this doctor took time to care. What an honor to be there and meet all these wonderful people. In a few months we get to go back and do it again.
What an awesome opportunity!



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