Friday, February 4, 2011

The Scale

We have a scale at our house.  It has become a fun toy to the kids.  One of their favorite things to do is to turn the dial on the side to reset 0, either above or below where it should be.  Then they take turns weighing themselves and laughing at how much they have gained or lost.  When they say “Look Mom.  I am 95 kilos.”  I know that it is not true.  Even though the number that appears before them says 95 kilos, I know that it is not correct.  It makes me think about how often we do that in life.  We reset our standards of what we think is allowed or what we think is right.  And then we try to justify it to make others believe it, or to make ourselves believe it.  But it is not.  What if the world suddenly decided to weigh everything according to our scale here?  It would be mayhem, because it wouldn’t match up to the truth.  Same thing with us.  The lies we tell ourselves just won’t match up to the Truth, the real Truth.  No matter how hard we try to justify them.  Our standard of right and wrong needs to be based on God’s Word.  That is the one standard that will never change, and it always comes out true.

Don’t deceive yourself into believing anything but the Truth.


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