Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Weekend

Our first weekend together as a dorm was spent at the beach, of course.  (Not the same beach we overnighted at.)  This beach is called Amay.  We spent the day jumping off rocks, playing water tag, building sand sculptures, wave surfing and lounging around in our hammocks.  We got up extra early and left by 7:30 so we would have the beach to ourselves.  The Indonesians usually flood the beach around 2 or so.

Friday night we watched Despicable Me together back in our Hostel apartment.  There is one room that is air conditioned and it is back in our apartment.  It is a real treat for the dormers to be able to hang out back there.  We laughed so much during that movie.  It is so funny!

I am being daily reminded about the verses God wrote in the Bible about us all being different, like the parts of the body.  One is no more important than the other, but we all need to work together for a common purpose.  That is like the Hostel kids right now.  They are very different.  Hopefully everyone will get along and enjoy each other for the last few months.

Thanks for all your prayers for us here.

Love you all-


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