Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!  One of the greatest days of the year!  Praise the Lord we do not have a Savior that is sitting in a grave somewhere!  Yahoo! We had a time of special celebration as a family with the kids remembering what Easter is truly about. 


Wyatt, Emma and Sophie put on a dance show for us .  Cale wanted to be a part of it as well, and did his own unique version at the end.


Later we all colored our brown eggs with some homemade egg coloring.


Tomorrow, it goes back to life as usual.  But there is a smile still on my face as I think of how much love Jesus has for me and you!  He thought of us when He was on the cross.  It doesn’t matter how much money you make, or how much stuff you have or don’t have- You are special because you are loved by the Father.  If you feel like life doesn’t have meaning, please know that it can.  If you feel worthless, please know that Someone thinks you are very worthwhile.  If you feel like you don’t have a purpose please know that Someone has a grand purpose and reason for creating you exactly the way you are.  If you feel unloved please know that Someone loved you enough to die for you and give you a chance for new life forever.  And if you feel like no one would notice if you lived or died, please remember that there is Someone that knows each tear that falls, and each hair on your head.  Someone that thinks you are more precious than silver, who wants to hold you in His arms and be your Heavenly Father.  Someone loves you.  Someone adores you.  Someone is waiting for you to come back to Him today-Jesus.  Don’t waste another second.  Talk to Him now.

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