My deepest apologies for not writing for awhile. I have been a bit under the weather (thanks for sharing Cale!). That is such a strange saying-“under the weather”. I wonder where it came from? Anyways, I am up today and thought I’d tell you what has been going on here. Garth just got done playing racquetball, something he enjoys doing on Friday mornings. Cale and I took a nice walk. Good timing too because now it is pouring rain. We got a
GREAT package from a good friend of Garth’s. She and her son sent us an amazing box filled to the brim with so many wonderful things. Candy canes, crayons, markers, necklaces, nail polish, a cool ball, gum, paint by number, and more. That was so fun. What a kind gesture. It made us feel so loved. Cale has been having so much fun this morning playing with some of the play dough that was in there. I don’t think he remembered Play dough. What a treat!
Sophie has a birthday party for a friend today at the pool. Emma has a double birthday party for 2 friends here after school. So, hopefully the rain will stop. Tomorrow is a big Valentine’s banquet here for the school. It is a fundraiser for the senior class. I am making 10 loaves of bread for it. However, we have been having a flour shortage. In fact, for the basketball game tonight the Junior class is serving a meal. Tonight was supposed to be hot dogs, but none of the bakeries here could make buns because there is no flour. So we are having hot dogs with no buns. That will be interesting. I am hoping that I have enough flour here for the loaves of bread. Earlier this week Garth and went out to every little store around looking for flour and I found one place that had it. So I bought 15 bags. I think that was the last of the flour here
I want to wish my parents a HAPPY ANNIVERSAY! I don’t know how they keep having anniversaries when they aren’t getting any older, but they keep doing it. I love you Mommy and Daddy.
Emma told Sophie the other day that she was really a boy but she dresses up as a girl and is getting treated as a girl. Sophie started bawling because she believed her and thought that now she was the only girl in the family. Cale’s favorite phrase right now is, “What are you doing?” and he loves to blow kisses. Sophie is loving the water and swims under the water as much as she swims on top. Wyatt is enjoying the new driveway they made next door. It is perfect for skateboarding. Garth continues to teach his P.E. class and I just finished my latest book review moments before I started writing this. Last night in our family devotions we read in 2 Peter about applying God’s promises to your life. Then your faith will produce moral excellence, which leads to knowing God better, which leads to self-control, patience endurance, and godliness and finally leads to a genuine love for others. This is a fantastic verse for us here because we need to have moral excellence-there are so many eyes watching us. We need self-control in how we react to tough situations. We definitely need patient endurance because God doesn’t want us to give up. Living a godly life is always good, and a genuine love for others we definitely need because we need to love all of the kids that God has placed in our care.
We are learning as we go along. Thanks for praying.
Love you all-
Sophie has a birthday party for a friend today at the pool. Emma has a double birthday party for 2 friends here after school. So, hopefully the rain will stop. Tomorrow is a big Valentine’s banquet here for the school. It is a fundraiser for the senior class. I am making 10 loaves of bread for it. However, we have been having a flour shortage. In fact, for the basketball game tonight the Junior class is serving a meal. Tonight was supposed to be hot dogs, but none of the bakeries here could make buns because there is no flour. So we are having hot dogs with no buns. That will be interesting. I am hoping that I have enough flour here for the loaves of bread. Earlier this week Garth and went out to every little store around looking for flour and I found one place that had it. So I bought 15 bags. I think that was the last of the flour here
I want to wish my parents a HAPPY ANNIVERSAY! I don’t know how they keep having anniversaries when they aren’t getting any older, but they keep doing it. I love you Mommy and Daddy.
Emma told Sophie the other day that she was really a boy but she dresses up as a girl and is getting treated as a girl. Sophie started bawling because she believed her and thought that now she was the only girl in the family. Cale’s favorite phrase right now is, “What are you doing?” and he loves to blow kisses. Sophie is loving the water and swims under the water as much as she swims on top. Wyatt is enjoying the new driveway they made next door. It is perfect for skateboarding. Garth continues to teach his P.E. class and I just finished my latest book review moments before I started writing this. Last night in our family devotions we read in 2 Peter about applying God’s promises to your life. Then your faith will produce moral excellence, which leads to knowing God better, which leads to self-control, patience endurance, and godliness and finally leads to a genuine love for others. This is a fantastic verse for us here because we need to have moral excellence-there are so many eyes watching us. We need self-control in how we react to tough situations. We definitely need patient endurance because God doesn’t want us to give up. Living a godly life is always good, and a genuine love for others we definitely need because we need to love all of the kids that God has placed in our care.
We are learning as we go along. Thanks for praying.
Love you all-
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