Boy, oh boy do I have smart friends. You guys came up with some of the answers. I asked you a riddle the other day-“What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks?” Here are some of the answers:
1. A fever breaks and temperature falls.
2. Waves break and leaves fall
3. Dawn breaks and night falls
Do you feel smarter or what? I hope so. You look smarter. Or maybe just a day older.
Anyways, we had a sweltering day today. The heat was thick. In fact, right now at 8:30 at night it is still HOT! The girls, Emma and Sophie, asked me if I would rearrange their room so their beds could be right under the fan tonight. And Wyatt is falling asleep in our bedroom because ours is cooler than his. Then we will just move him when we go to bed. We can stand him up and have him walk to his room in his sleep. It is great. Sometimes he even talks to us. Once he said, “…but I don’t want to do the push-ups, I am too tired.” Or “Somebody get my book. I need my book.” He is hilarious in his sleep. I have what my husband calls a “crazy habit” of taking pictures of them in their sleep. They are SO cute. Emma is always sprawled out like a windmill and Sophie always has her hands on her chest like a lady (they both sleep on their back), then Wyatt is always on his tummy with his covers everywhere and his mouth open. He is going to be so happy that I told you all this. He asked me not to share any of those pictures with you, so I won’t. (I wonder why?)
I remember when I was a teenager and I read in my Bible about how God is light and how no one can look upon the face of God. I started thinking about how bright the sun is and decided that the sun is like God touching the sky with His finger. You know how ET has a glow on the end of his finger? I pictured God touching the sky and that is the sun. That is how full of light He is. Now this was just my teenage opinion. But tonight as I was walking and looking at the sky I was thinking about that. The sunsets here are breath taking. You have to stop and stare. I deliberately walk when the sun is going to be going down so I can enjoy it. And I was thinking about how creative God is and how He made this stuff for our pleasure. . Every night the sky is unique. And you get a sunset that is different from mine. How amazing is that? Well, the next time you notice a totally rad sunset think about how creative God is and how He cares enough about you to design for you a rainbow of colors across the canvas of the sky.
This color girl is signing off-
Love ya,
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