Friday, January 25, 2008

January 24, 2008 - Gula and Hand Wash?

I know you all love to hear about our blunders, so I thought I would share 2 more. I was in the middle of baking a coffeecake when I realized we were out of sugar, so I asked Garth if he could hop on the bike and get me sugar. I told him the word for sugar is gula. Well, it only took him a few minutes and he came back with 2 big bags-not of sugar, gula, but of glutamate (MSG). He bought 2 big bags of MSG. So needless to say after we got done laughing with him (at him), I sent him back out and he came back with the right thing. The next day I went back to the store with Garth and explained what happened and they let us return them. YEAH! What would I do with 2 big bags of MSG? The second blunder was all me. I bought some clear stuff that came in a small clear squeeze container. It looked a lot like Purell hand sanitizer. So I have been keeping it in my purse and squirting it on the kids hands when we are out to keep them clean. Well, one of the dorm kids said something about needing some hand sanitizer and I said “Oh, I have some you can use.” So I pull it out and she started reading it, and then informed me that it was not hand sanitizer rather it was a feminine hygiene wash. Ha ha. Live and learn. Cale never complained. Ha.
Well one of our pembantu’s stopped showing up for work (Yosina) so Poppi asked if she could bring one of her friends that needed work. So now we have Lina. She is older and very new. Poppi is showing her how to do everything. I have seen her concentrating on putting the silverware away in the right containers. Hopefully she will be a quick learner.
This morning Garth, Cale and I went to pick up the guy that he and Jason have been helping. He rolled into the fire and has severe burns on his leg and foot and some gangrene. My parents went twice to help him also. He is improving. The nurse has been packing his wound with sugar to help combat the infection. Some of the burned skin is starting to regrow. The nurse will be gone now for 2 ½ weeks so Jason is going to be doing it without her, so today we moved the guy, Yanis, over to Jason’s house to live with his house helpers. They are friends and it will be easier to care for him with him right there. I told Jason if he needed any help I would come over and help him. If any of you have strong stomachs and would like to see the pictures let us know. They are interesting but very grotesque. Another lady that my Dad helped make a leg brace for took off some of her bandages and then tried to rewrap them and wrapped them too hard and cut off her circulation, so the leg was blue and swollen from the knee down and very painful. So she came back and they took care of her too. Today the guys were so appreciative of our help that they gave us 2 bunches of bananas. It is nice that God gives us little ways to make a difference.
You are making a difference in our lives. We appreciate the notes, cards, money, gifts, prayers etc. Eveything- no matter how big or small is appreciated and noticed. So thank you. I hope that your day is full of sunshine even though it is cold. My family should be landing in Chicago in about 7 hours and they are bringing some Indonesian sunshine just for you.
Love you

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